Reduce your energy bills and save the planet too! Turn it off and conserve energy to reduce your carbon footprint. Turn the switch off on electrical items as it uses energy that is unnecessary. By reducing your carbon footprint, you are not contributing to releasing greenhouse emissions into the atmosphere which contribute to climate change.
Invest in a compost bin – this is a great way to help create natural fertiliser and keep your garden green, while also reducing the amount of waste going to landfill. A compost bin is low maintenance and very simple to use.
Of course, we can’t recycle out of this rubbish problem but we must reduce, reuse, repurpose, refuse and recycle. You can recycle almost everything, from batteries to paper to cars. Before you throw something away take a minute to find out if you can recycle it instead.
Eco-friendly cleaning products – many cleaning products have harmful chemicals in them that aren’t environmentally friend to create or dispose of. These harmful chemicals can even affect your health as well as the environment. There are many alternatives such as making your own or green cleaning products that use natural and organic methods of cleaning.